Grow taller naturally

Compensate for the lack of substances for growth by drinking milk

Compensate for the lack of substances for growth by drinking milk

I like to think of milk as a superhero for growth.

When your body doesn’t get enough nutrition, milk can come to the rescue and help you grow a few extra centimeters.

Milk is packed with important things like protein and calcium, which are crucial for your bones. It also boosts IGF-1.

IGF-I is molecularly identical in bovine and human milk, but cow’s milk has about three times as much total protein.(Wiley, 2005)

It is relatively stable to both heat and acidic conditions; therefore, it survives the conditions of commercial milk processing. (Okada, 2004)

But also milk can speed up puberty in girls, so it’s best not to overdo it.1

In most cases, having 250-500 mg of whole milk per day, and more than twice a week, should be sufficient.

More than 500 ml per day also seems to be effective. Children who consumed more than 500 ml were able to grow 2.5 cm more than those who drank less than 500 ml.2