Grow taller naturally

Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium

Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium

Calcium is the main component of bones.

Calcium strengthens bones and promotes cell division in growth zones.

You don’t need too much calcium

Unlike protein, for example, an excess of calcium does not provide any benefits. Anything above 1200-1500 mg will not be absorbed.

In children and adolescents, the level above which a rise in calcium intake is no longer associated with an increase in calcium retention appears to be set between 1200 to 1500 mg/d.1

The minimum amount is 800-900 mg, below which growth slows down.

Eat in a way that provides 20 mg of calcium per 1 gram of protein.2

In developed countries, this amount is easily achieved through diet, but there is a risk group of people who do not drink milk.

children with a history of long-term avoidance of cow milk have very low dietary calcium intakes and poor bone health in comparison with milk-drinking children… children who do not drink milk have a shorter stature than do those who consume milk regularly. (Black et al., 2002)

Consume calcium-rich foods or supplements, otherwise, you risk losing up to 4 cm in height.3

It is more important for calcium to be absorbed

When we grow, the body’s absorption of calcium increases, but when that doesn’t happen, everything stops.4

Vitamin D is a crucial factor in absorption. For example, vitamin D in milk helps calcium from there to enter the bones.

Spend time in the sun, consume milk, eggs, fish, and use vitamin D3 supplements.

Just like with calcium, high doses are unnecessary.

super-saturating the body with a very high dose may have actually promoted lower blood levels of the active form of vitamin D 5

A daily intake of 600 IU of vitamin D is sufficient.